Witchblade 3d model
30cm height 3d model is ready to be printed .Prepared and tested with SLA 3d printer Kudo Bean
The link how the model looks : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GXKYn1
You will be able to download :
-- Stls_withSupports.zip you will find stl files with supports and hollowed ready for your resin 3d printer , they are separated in 4 groups to fit standard small volume of 6.8 cm by 12 cm and 15 cm
--WB_separated STLs.zip has no supports and is not hollowed but all parts has keys and fit together.
--OldHeadWithSeparateHairs_NoSupport.stl is the old head with hairs separated but no supports or hollowing
--WitchBladeNewHead.stl -which is the head of WitchBlade with hairs attached - which fits the kit -so you can choose to print one head in the kit with separate hairs or this one separately - this one was done later to avoid fixing the seam between the hairs and the head.
Licence:For personal use only.
WitchBlade 3d model is 30 cm height model kit for SLA 3d printing